Bell & Bird Emerald Pendant Necklace
Handmade Bell & Bird 2.07 carat emerald set in a crisp bezel setting in rich yellow 22k gold. The stone is certified to be of Brazilian origin.
Hanging on 16" 22k modern chain.
The ancient Egyptians regarded the emerald with its deep green color unlike the green of anything else known to them, as being mystical and magical. Within the green shade of emerald are worlds of difference. What is considered the finest green, which is seen in stones from two specific mines in Columbia, is called ‘old mine’ green. Hundreds of years ago, the stones were pulled from the earth and sent all over the world by the Spaniards. The best mines in Colombia were abandoned in 1895. It is said, none of the recently mined emeralds from Colombia can compare in the depth of color to that of the “old mine’ stones.